deb0x history

Ideation phase

Everything started with an idea on the need for a decentralized, private & secure system of communication, which sparkled out of exchanging thoughts among web3 community of developers and users.

This led to a handful of developers getting together as a team to attend the Filecoin & IPFS Faber Web3 Hackathon in order to bring this idea to life.

Given the interest that it sparkled among hackathon judges along with participants as well, the project was thereafter developed into the protocol that it is today.

You can read about this phase of the project following this link: Faber Web3 Hackathon

Protocol phase

On a regular trajectory a project is naturally evolving through trial and error together with testing live and then creating several improvement iterations from the learnings. For smart contract protocols though, due to immutability properties, the development process is slightly different.

The aim of the project is to deliver a comprehensive, private and secure communication solution from and for the community.

As per ConsenSys guidelines setting in place defensive mechanisms like "Pausability" or "Upgradeability" is the advisable best practice. However, in deb0x protocol's case these solutions would normally slightly alter the intended true nature of the smart contract, which is the "Unstoppability".

Adoption phase

After protocol has been published on a blockchain (Polygon), the next step is the adoption phase. In this particular phase the protocol can take several forms and have multiple ramifications.

The main aim is for other developers to want to build on top of this project or to improve the existing protocol.

Contributions can vary in many ways. For example, other smart contracts can be implemented to communicate with the protocol, Deb0x.sol can be deployed on other blockchains to become a protocol that ensures communication on each separate blockchain.

Furthermore, websites can be created to serve the adoption of the protocol, as well as new cryptographic methods for messages, new data storage solutions, different from IPFS, can be proposed.

These are just a few of the ideas regarding the direction that the adoption phase can go towards.

All contributors to the deb0x project are open to provide additional information and support in order to lead to further innovation around the protocol. You can contact the dev community on Discord.

Last updated